If you are requesting alcohol for an event, you:
- Must complete an .
- Must have a confirmation from the Assistant to the VP of Administration and Finance,
Divisional Manager that space has been reserved, along with a $100 non-refundable
deposit and a signed Rental Agreement.
- Must be approved by the President or VP of Administration and Finance.
- Must have alcohol provided by a licensed caterer or liquor store.
- Must .
- Are responsible for obtaining all of the above.
Alcohol may be served at some third-party events being held on the college's premises.
In order to serve alcohol on the college's premises, all parties must follow the process
for scheduling such an event and comply with all event requirements, college policies
and state law. Under no circumstances may alcohol be served at any student event sponsored
by a student organization.
Appropriate Purpose
The purpose of the alcohol policy, as well as the planning and execution, is always
the focus of the event. The provision of alcoholic beverages should be intended to
merely complement the event. Admission to events with alcohol will be restricted to
invited guests who are of legal drinking age. Any exception to the admission requirements
must be approved not less than 30 days prior to the event by the President or VP of
Administration and Finance/CFO or their designee.
Alcohol Approval Process
All events in which alcohol will be served will require a completed and approved Alcohol
Request Form which will be approved or denied within ten business days of receipt,
with a copy of the decision forwarded to both the event sponsor and the designated
server company. Final approval for all events where alcohol is to be served rests
with the President or VP of Administration and Finance/CFO or his/her designee.
Food must be served at all events that serve alcohol.
The event sponsor or their designee must be in attendance at all events where alcoholic
beverages are available. If a designee is to be assigned, that information must be
included on the above mentioned form.
Designated Servers
All events where alcohol will be served require the hiring of an alcohol licensed
designated server. Vendors are appropriately insured and trained, including Serv-Safe
and/or TIPS training, to provide this service and are responsible for understanding
and maintaining compliance with all applicable Massachusetts State Laws and all licensure
requirements for serving alcohol.
BCC Security, the MA State Police or the Pittsfield Police Departments are required
at all events involving the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages. The number
of officers required will vary but will equal approximately one officer for every
100 participants. The number of officers must be determined in conjunction with the
Events Coordinator and Director of Security prior to the event. The event sponsor
shall cover the expense of Security or Law Enforcement personnel.
Policy Violations
Any College student or employee who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary
action, up to and including expulsion or termination. Any violations of this policy
by college or non-college affiliated individuals may be referred to local law enforcement