Public Records

Public Records Request

The Massachusetts Public Record Law [M.G.L. Chapter 66 and Chapter 4, Section 7(26)] provides that every person has a right to access public information. This right of access includes the right to inspect or be furnished with a copy of any public record, or to be notified of a denial of such a request, within ten (10) business days following the receipt of a request. In order to assist members of the public with access public records in the custody of the College, the following guidelines are provided.

NECHE: New England Commission of Higher Education

Contact Us

Requests for public records should be directed to:

Michelle Mellace, Public Records Officer

DHE Performance Measurement Reporting System

Public information about BCC's performance indicators. The following documents and links are provided to the public in order to provide access to the most frequently requested public records without having to submit a public records request. These documents will be updated frequently to ensure that current reports, statements, minutes and links are available.

Audits and Financial Statements

Winning Bids for Public Contracts

Frequently Requested Policies and Documents

Federal, State and Municipal Grants

Information Technology Policies

One Stop Project Documents

Can't Find It?

If the document you are requesting does not appear on the list or when you use the "Search" feature on the upper right side of the BCC webpage, please email, Public Records Officer.