I fell in love with education. In the legislature, I was a big advocate of education training and improving the public education system. At that time, we studied what the higher education system was in other states, and we found out that California had 69 community colleges, and they were free tuition. I said, 'Wow, should that be a model for us?' We were all working together to bring higher education to the people, and that was our rallying cry. We were always facing criticism that we were spending too much money on it: 'Too many educated people walking around' is what they would say. We had to overcome that and we had to point out the value of education. My father was a very interesting person. He would always say: 'Whatever you have in your head,' he would point to his head, 'nobody can ever take away from you. They can take your money and your house can burn down, but what you've got in your head nobody will take away from you.

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