Surplus Property at BCC
When property is no longer relevant or needed to the College, it may be declared surplus and disposed of in accordance with the policies of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Surplus property may include supplies, materials, equipment, and or furniture.
Property purchased with College funds, donated to the College, or acquired for college use through other means, is considered property of the College and therefore property of the Commonwealth.
Transfer of property within the College between room locations and/or buildings should be requested through the Facilities Department.
Contact Us
Questions or concerns?
Chris Bodnar
Director of Procurement

Surplus Property Disposition Process
Declare items to the State Surplus Property Office (SSPO), within the Operational Services Division
The SSPO will determine if the property meets the needs of any state agency and will coordinate the transfer of such.
SSPO will offer the items to all State agencies free-of-charge, on a first-come, first-served basis for thirty (30) days.
After 30 days on the State Surplus Property website, remaining items will be offered for a nominal fee, to local non-profits within Berkshire County.
Items not claimed by county non-profits will be made available to the public via a community tag sale.
Items not sold at the tag sale will be disposed of via a recycle and salvage company.