The Follett College Bookstore offers a number of services to students, faculty and staff. In addition to required textbooks, the store sells a wide variety of other items including art supplies, clothing, candy, novelties, office supplies, reference books and health products. Postage stamps and all kinds of BCC insignia items are also available.
Financial aid recipients who have remaining funds after tuition and fees are covered may charge books and essential supplies against their remaining balance during the week prior to the start of classes and the first three weeks of the semester.
Students can sell their textbooks back anytime the book store is open
Online Ordering
. Orders can be placed anytime day or night, shipped to place of our choice and all major credit cards are welcome.
Contact Us
Courtney Bossana, Follett Store Manager
Susan B. Anthony Center
Upper Level, Room A-210
Regular Semester Hours
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.