Student Spotlight
Nina Cobb
Allied Health/Physical Fitness
my Accomplishment
Age 18
Began at BCC in Fall 2010
Resides in Monterey, MA
Future plans - "Start my own training and fitness facility."
Nina Cobb is not only a prize student in BCC's allied health/physical fitness program but she is also an accomplished off-road racer. With her father, brother and boyfriend each involved in the competitions, Nina sees racing as a family sport. In 2003, she took part in her first race and by the next year, Nina had competed in three more.
Dubbed one of the most physically demanding sports in the world, the grueling three-hour cross country races take riders through varied terrain, including hills, woods, mud, dirt, and rocks. Races are said to be tests of both survival and speed.
This year, Nina will compete in 13 rounds of Grand National Cross Country (GNCC) racing as well as other local races. GNCC runs from Florida to New York which gives Nina the opportunity to race and experience the lifestyle of racing while also seeing new places throughout the country.
Initially not realizing the amount of work involved in the sport of racing, Nina now spends much of her time outside of the classroom cleaning trailers and trucks and working on her bikes.
"Racing takes up most of my life. It's worth it though, once you get on the line and go. It can be disappointing sometimes because you put so much into it but, in the end, you have your good days."
Nina's advice to anyone who is interested in taking up racing is to have fun with it.
Some people push so hard that it can be a little much. It's an opportunity of lifetime for anyone.
Through her racing experiences, Nina came to BCC to become a certified physical trainer.