How to Log In to Moodle

Moodle is the web-based computerized system BCC professors use to instruct our online, hybrid and in-person courses taught on campus. Moodle gives students access to their syllabus, course calendar, assignments, and other course materials which the professor chooses to make available.

Use Firefox for MoodleTip: Safari web browser on Apple computers has many known issues with Moodle. We recommend using , which you can download for free.

Note: While many on-campus courses make use of Moodle, not every course will. If your in-person class does not appear on your list of Moodle courses don’t panic, ask your professor if the course makes use of BCC's Moodle Learning Management System.

  1. Navigate to the Moodle login page,
  2. Type your BCC username and password and click the button Log in

    Note: You must use "s" + your student ID number without the "" on the end.
    Note: Faculty and staff usernames are generally first initial followed by the last name

  3. After entering your username and password you will be taken to your Moodle home page
  4. Click on your course name to enter that course's Moodle page

    Note: Courses will not display until the first day of scheduled classes for each semester.

TIP: You can use the Moodle direct login page, sometimes called the "backdoor."
Moodle Direct Login Page: